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A Cat Rental House


Click on category below to see listings:

Additional Information:

Delivery Fee
(based on zone)

Zone 1


Zone 2


Zone 3


Delivery of 315 Excavator
(based on zone)

Zone 1


Zone 2


Zone 3


Delivery Fee of Small Equipment
(can be put on or pulled behind a pickup truck)


Equipment fuel fee


Cleaning Fee for large equipment


Cleaning Fee for small equipment


  • Call for weekly, monthly and weekend rates.
  • Please allow a minimum of 48 hours notice to rent heavy equipment.
  • All rentals are subject to payment in advance to secure that rental.
  • Cancellations of less than 48 hours notice forfeit 50% of the daily rate.
  • Deliveries are made by 9 am day of rental.
  • 1 Day Rental = 8 hours on the machine clock for any one calendar day. Any time over and beyond the 8 hours will be charged at the hourly rate.
  • Cleaning products for the Home Care Cleaners are available for purchase

If you don't see what you need . . .
please ask!

Renting . . . Smart Way to Get Things Done

  • You need something you can't afford to purchase
  • You would like to try a product before you purchase it
  • You can increase your capital base and not your capital investment
  • You can conserve storage space
  • You can get the right equipment for the right job
  • You do not have to worry about breakdown